The Vocational Education and Training (VET) Data Streamlining program aims to modernise the way VET student activity data is collected, managed, and used. It will provide better data, faster.
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About the program
The VET Data Streamlining (VDS) program is the centrepiece of the Enhanced VET Data and Evidence initiative, which contains measures to improve the accuracy, timeliness, and security of VET activity data. This policy initiative is part of the National Skills Agreement (NSA) which commences on 1 January 2024.
The VDS program is a partnership between the Commonwealth, State and Territory training authorities, the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) and VET sector regulators.
The program will implement:
- a new VET Information Standard to replace AVETMISS 8
- a new Student and Training Activity Reporting System (STARS) that can connect with Student Management Systems (SMS) and will be accessible by NCVER and governments, including VET sector regulators
- an update to relevant policy and legislation.
Drivers for change
If Australia is to maintain its position as a global leader in VET, our ability to respond rapidly to emerging challenges, address skill gaps and take advantage of market opportunities is critical.
However, the way we collect and manage student activity data at the national level is multi-layered, complex and inconsistent. Consequently, the information needs of students, training providers and decision makers in much of the VET sector are not currently being met.
The ability to harness the power of timely information through modern systems and a new VET Information Standard will be a key enabler to achieving this goal. The VET Data Streamlining program aims to address this challenge.
Benefits for the sector
Benefits include:
- more efficient data validation and submission practices for training providers
- reduced duplication through a national dataset (including State and Territory data elements) in a consistent, consolidated, and flexible VET Information Standard
- up-to-date student training records for students to demonstrate competencies, using the USI transcripts sooner
- support for training providers to manage their data as they go, rather than periodically
- improved evidence-based decision making for policy makers, resulting in better outcomes for the sector.
The program will be progressively rolled out to give training organisations time to transition to the new data submission arrangements.
The VET Data Streamlining (VDS) program is working closely with State and Territory training authorities, regulators, NCVER, training organisations, and the sector to develop a transition timeline that reflects the needs of all stakeholders.
An updated transition timetable will be available in 2024.
Getting involved
We are committed to having ongoing engagement with the sector about the changes. There are several forums where the sector can engage with us about the program.
The External User Reference Group is designed to provide feedback on the program design and delivery. The group has a wide representation from across the VET sector, including training providers, VET peak bodies and student management system vendors.
The program has established an Extended Consultation Group mailing list for program related engagements and research consultations.
If you are interested in participating in one or both of these groups, contact the VET Data Streamlining Team at
If you want more information about the new VET Information Standard, contact the VET Information Standard team at
Engagement with the VET sector so far
We have commissioned qualitative and quantitative research to better understand the current data collection and submission practices across the sector.
NCVER have also tested the new VET Information Standard with representatives from across the sector to ensure the descriptions used are easy to understand.
We have interviewed a wide range of training providers to better understand the changes and impacts the VDS program has on existing business processes and ways of working.
More information
- Review the qualitative research discovery report
- Check if your question is one of our Frequently Asked Questions
- Discover the new VET Information Standard
- View the National VET Data Policy and the National VET Data Frequently Asked Questions
- Find out more about the other Skills Reform resources
- Catch up on the results of the sector survey
Please contact out VET Data Streamlining Team on for any further information.