If you need to speak to someone about the impact your retrenchment is having on you and/or your family, reach out to a service listed in the Looking after yourself section below.
Employment Support
The Australian Government provides support for any worker who loses their job.
Immediate assistance is available to all retrenched workers, to help you find a job, access training or help you decide what’s next.
How and where to get help after losing your job can be a difficult situation to navigate. The table below summarises the type of supports available to help you find work or pursue other pathways as quickly as possible.
Support for all workers across Australia
Financial advice and assistance
Financial assistance | People older than 22 and below the pension age may be eligible for income support payments. * a copy of your termination letter and last payslip will be required. | Apply online or call: 132 850 |
Financial Counselling | If you feel overwhelmed by debt, speak with a financial counsellor in your state as soon as possible. | National Debt Helpline Mob Strong Debt Helpline, for Indigenous Australians |
Financial Information Service | Services Australia’s Financial Information Service (FIS) is available to everyone. Find out how lump sum payments affect Centrelink entitlements. | Call: 132 300 (Say “Financial Information Service” when prompted). |
Redundancy pay and entitlements | The Redundancy Information Statement (RIS) outlines your rights and entitlements when you’ve been retrenched. | Redundancy Information Statement |
Unpaid entitlements | If there is bankruptcy or liquidation the Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG) is available to eligible employees to help you get your unpaid entitlements. Claims can be submitted online. |
Help with finding work
Free support with:
| Workforce Australia is the Australian Government’s employment service. If you have been retrenched, you and your partner can access immediate support for up to 6 months after your retrenchment date – regardless of whether you’re receiving Centrelink payments or not. | Find a "Workforce Australia Employment Services" Provider near you |
Job support for Mature Age people 45 years+ | Assistance with job searches, digital literacy and support to transfer your existing skills to a new job or industry. | Information for people 45+: |
Job support for Young People aged 15-24 | Support for young people aged 15-24 to find work (including apprenticeships and traineeships), training and local community services. | Transition to Work |
Job support if you’re living with Disability | A Disability Employment Service (DES) provider offers can help you find suitable work. | Job Access Call: 1800 464 800 |
National Customer Service Line | For enquiries about Employment providers, programs or services. | Call: 1800 805 260 |
Looking after yourself
Health and Wellbeing | Losing your job can be a very difficult time. Talk to someone about taking care of you and your family’s mental health. | Beyond Blue Lifeline Australia Support for young people aged 16-25 years: |
Online resources
Advice for retrenched employees | Information and links to supports available for retrenched workers. | What’s Next? |
Changing careers | Help with identifying careers or jobs that match your skills and experience. | Job Switch |
Search Job Vacancies | Search Workforce Australia’s current job vacancies. | Workforce Australia for Individuals - Job Search |
Tax and Retirement | ATO information about redundancy payments. | ATO – Redundancy and Early Retirement |
Training and job options | Advice on looking for work, finding training or exploring other job options. | Your Career |
Support for retrenched workers
- Australian Capital Territory
- New South Wales
- Northern Territory
- Queensland residents
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Victorian residents
- Western Australia (TBA)
Tasmanian Government retrenched worker assistance
Rapid Response Skills Initiative
The Tasmanian Government through Jobs Tasmania provides financial support for training to people who have lost their jobs because they have been made redundant, the place they worked has closed or had to let staff go.
For more information:
Visit the Jobs Tasmania website.
Upcoming Jobs Events
NSW | Queensland | Western Australia |
Sydney Careers & Employment Expo 16 to 17 August Hordern Pavilion, Moore Park | Diversity Jobs Fair 12 September Virtual | Perth Job Fair 18 September Virtual |
Should you require further assistance, email retrenchment@dewr.gov.au.
Please note: your email may be referred to a specialist to assist with your enquiry. You may provide your contact details and request a call back - please do not include any personal or sensitive information you do not wish to be shared with another government agency or authorised party.