On this page:
What is on my screen?

- Play/Pause
To restart the stream, please refresh the browser page (Ctrl + F5). - Volume control
Please note the volume settings on your PC may also be adjusted using the PC’s system volume control. - Full screen video player
Switch to full screen mode for the video player. Click Escape [esc] to restore the standard view. - Q&A
Displays the question and answer interface for the event.
How can check that I’ll be able to view a livestreamed event?
We have created a Livestream test page offering all the standard features of a typical livestreamed event. Once the test page has loaded a short video presentation should play on your device. Successful playback of the test page video confirms you should receive the livestream when an event takes place.
Please note that your network connection may not allow transmission of livestreamed content. While we aim to ensure all viewers can access livestreams we can’t guarantee your network connection will allow you to receive them.
If your test is unsuccessful we recommend you consult an IT expert, however the nature of livestreaming means there are some technical issues over which we have no control, depending on the particular internet connection you might be utilising.
I can’t see the livestream or the livestream is buffering?
Try refreshing your web browser window by clicking Ctrl + F5 (together) on your keyboard and/or watching the livestream in a different web browser. We recommend closing any non–essential applications and browser windows while you are watching the livestream.
If you are working within a company network and are unable to view the video we recommend you contact your network administrator.
I can't hear anything (or the sound is very faint), what else can I do?
If you are using a desktop computer with external speakers, verify they are plugged into a power outlet if necessary, turned on and up, and connected to the audio port of your computer. If you still can’t hear any audio check your system volume settings and the volume on the media player. If your system is properly set up try adjusting the system volume settings (these instructions are for Windows):
- Click Start, Settings, then System.
- Choose Sound from the menu
- Turn up the Master volume.
How can I participate in the webcast?
There is a Q&A facility if the organiser has requested it, where you can submit questions and comments, located on the right–hand side of your screen.
Which browsers are supported?
- Microsoft Edge - 40+ (Using the latest version is highly recommended)
- Firefox – Latest (Firefox automatically updates itself to the latest version, although prior versions should work, only the latest is tested)
- Chrome - Latest (Chrome automatically updates itself to the latest version, although prior versions should work, only the latest is tested)
- Safari - 6.0+
- Safari iOS - 6.1+
- Android mobile 2 - 4.3+
(as at 1 August 2021)
How do I know if a livestream has started?
Due to unforeseen circumstances a webcast may not have started on time. Please be patient and try refreshing your web browser window by clicking Ctrl+F5 (together) on your keyboard and/or watching the live stream in a different web browser.
Is there an on–demand version?
On–demand versions of most livestreams are available soon after the events conclude. Depending on circumstances the on–demand version is usually available about a week or so after an event. Please send an email to audiovisual@dewr.gov.au if you’d like us to let you know if and when an on–demand version is available.
Other issues?
Contact us by email at audiovisual@dewr.gov.au