Consultation on the VET Workforce Blueprint

This content was published on Monday 26 February 2024. There may be more recent updates available.

We are collaborating with state and territory governments to develop a VET Workforce Blueprint to support, grow and sustain the VET workforce.

The Blueprint will identify actions to address VET workforce issues, such as attraction, retention, development and career progression, and succession planning.

We are consulting with the sector to provide stakeholders an opportunity to contribute to the development of the VET Workforce Blueprint and to:

  • test current understanding of the challenges faced by the VET workforce
  • identify actions that result in effective change.

The consultation is seeking views from stakeholders, including people who have recently left the VET workforce, through a submission process and a survey.

Visit the Quality Reforms page for more information on how to provide your feedback. Submissions close at AEDT 11 pm 26 March 2024.